Make it

practically simple


Katy King

Founder & Creative

Former instructor/photographer, now full-time mom, homemaker, and renovator. Katy creates much of the content on but is so excited to bring on contributors and feature the work of other Creatives. You can learn more about Katy by visiting the About page.

Patricia Penrose

Content Contributor & Editor

Cozy Mystery author by day, Patricia moonlights as our editor in the evenings. A classic mystery buff at heart, Patricia is a retired librarian and entrepreneur. You can check out her website and learn more by visiting “Mystery Maker: Make Mine Mystery.”

Sarah Adams

Design Consultant

Professor Monday-Friday, Artists & Designer 24/7, Extreme DIY Expert nights & weekends, Sarah somehow finds time to be our creative go-to person when we need backup and/or a creative eye. You can check out her artistic endeavors and sign up for Art Workshops on her website by visiting “Art in the Open Air.”