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Creative Friendship

Friendships come in all shapes and sizes: low and high maintenance, close and casual, near and long distance, enduring and short lived. For me the best friendships are those in which we can be ourselves, be better for each moment we share, and can go for months or even years sometimes without talking, and then connect and catch up just where we left off, as if no time had past at all. These friendships are the ones that enrich and sustain me.

Friends reunite and be silly at MaryHill, OR

I am rediscovering that there is another dimension to friendship as well. A creative dimension. At a baby shower the other day I was talking with a group of  new and old friends, and we each started talking about what we loved to do, what creative projects we were working on and hoping to work on. One lady said that she did not realize there were so many creative people, that she hadn’t met so many in years. And I realized that often people don’t share what they create with each other openly, or right away, and that a lot of us tend to think what we make, or do to relax, or to express ourselves isn’t good enough, professional enough, beautiful enough, creative enough lets say, to be worth sharing. Maybe we don’t want to be judged, or doubt that others would be interested. But underneath, I have found that most people are creative. Even those who do not realize it, when given the opportunity, freedom, and encouragement to do so they discover their creativity, their outlet. It is a wonderful sight to see. And even more wonderful is to see how those who have discovered and brought their creativity to the surface, also discover a new confidence in themselves and become more open, brave, and willing to learn and trying new things – further enriching their lives and all of ours. Creativity can be so many things, it can be freeing, relaxing, challenging, healing, and not as often talked about - it can be bonding! There is a whole new, and beautiful, kind of friendship that can be found through sharing what we create, carving out the time to create with each other, and encouraging each other along the way.

Some of the Fungirls - Always my inspirations and role models in kindness, fun, and creativity

In rediscovering this recently, I was reminded of the ladies that I met back when I was fourteen and how over the next few years we became known as the Fungirls. An unlikely group of friends perhaps, known for wild craft days, road trips, birthday parties, and thrift shop shopping sprees. Back then we ranged from 14 to 95 years-old, with diverse experiences, ethnic backgrounds, and abilities. But through our sharing of bi-weekly, sometimes only monthly, creative get-togethers we forged a bond that continues to this day. And we have all been better and stronger for the experiences, for the beautiful gift of creating, and sharing what we create with each other.

Having been blessed with creative friendships, has inspired me to add a section to my website to share the works and stories of creative people that cross my path. Ordinary people, like you and me, that are creating on a big or small scale, and are themselves adding little bits of beauty to the world. To read more and be inspired, check out the Creatives page!

Be brave, create! Be creative & bravely share it with each other!